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Figuya Store | Berlin | heoVIEW

A warm "Irasshaimase" - "come in" or "welcome" – from today's featured retailer! Figuya in Berlin welcomes passionate connoisseurs of Japan, providing a place for collectors and lovers of anime and manga culture to feel at home.

Jessica, the founder and owner of the "shop for figurines" – which Figuya loosely translates as – takes us on a journey into a world that couldn't be more colourful. She explains to us how she developed her passion for Japanese culture and its many anime TV series in her school days and then, after completing her doctorate in biology, finally plucked up the courage to set up her own online shop.

From the beginning, Jessica has worked closely with heo, and this partnership continues following the opening of her shop in Berlin.

In the following retailer portrait, you can get an idea of Jessica and her shop for yourself, so don't hesitate to "Irasshaimase":


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