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LA Games | Vilsheim | heoVIEW

At Daniels Shop in Vilsheim, people don't just say "goodbye" when they leave his "LA Games" shop - they say "See you soon" because everyone involved is sure that they will definitely see each other again.

There probably can't be a nicer compliment for a store owner than the knowledge that he offers his customers such added value that they keep on coming back.

He describes his start as a retailer as follows: "Born out of a passion for collecting, grown with like-minded people. Now we're supposed to tell you how it all began, but as we all know, madness has neither a beginning nor an end. So we are right in the middle of it, a table strewn with trading cards and torn open boosters. We sit around full of euphoria and excitedly discuss which rare Pokemon we'll draw next."

Find out what else Daniel has to tell us in the following retailer portrait:


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