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  • What does my application have to include?
    There is no set rule about what you must submit, but bear in mind: A statement/letter of motivation helps us to understand who you are, what you want to do in the future and what is important to you. A CV helps us to match your experience with the requirements. You can also provide relevant references.
  • Should I provide my school reports?
    That depends on how much experience lies between the present time and your school reports, or whether you think they can still tell us something about you.
  • Can I really use the first name in the letter of motivation?
    Absolutely! We're on a first-name basis too :)
  • What information is useful in the CV?
    For us it is important to relate your experience to our open position, which is why it would be good to highlight relevant skills and experience for the position in your CV. In addition, you are welcome to include your wider proven skills and experience in your CV. Besides all these facts, we are of course also interested in what else you like to do, e.g. your hobbies, favourite characters and films. To enable us to reach you, please also provide your contact details.
  • Is a photo of me necessary?
    It’s not necessary, but it’s nice.
  • What documents can I use to speed up the selection process?
    Use your cover statement/application to tell us what you stand for, what is important to you and why you are a good fit for us. A CV helps us to match your experience with the requirements. You can also include relevant references.
  • I have already applied once. Can I try again?
    Yes, you can write us a few lines about what makes you tick and what experience you have for the tasks mentioned.
  • Am I expected to write a letter of motivation?
    You don’t have to. Of course, it would be great if your CV told us more about you than the technical facts. You are more than that.
  • What does the addition "hybrid" in the job description mean?
    Your place of work is both the heo campus and your home office (HO). Depending on the role, sometimes you need more in-person contact, sometimes less. Our model is 2:3 over the course of the month. For example, in one week 2 days of concentrated work in the HO, 3 days on campus. Or in one week 4 days in the HO and the rest of that week and the next week on campus. The individual model for you and your position is found in discussion with your manager.
  • How can I make a speculative application?
    None of our current positions really fits, but you think you would be a good fit for heo? Write to us. We're curious to know what tempts you to throw your hat into the ring. Under 'all jobs' you will also find the option of 'speculative application'.
  • Where do I send my profile to?
    At the end of the job description, you will find the button "Apply". You can use this button to send all the necessary documents.
  • How do I know if an advertised position is still available?
    If you see the position on our website, we’re still in the selection process for this role, so you are welcome to apply.
  • Two positions appeal to me at once. How should I proceed?
    That's great and speaks for your versatility. Please highlight what appeals to you in each position. We need your covering statement/application and documents relating to each position so that we can match them up well.
  • Is it enough to provide a link to my profile on LinkedIn, Xing etc.?
    If you can make us curious enough about you in your cover letter, and all relevant data can be found in these profiles, it’s enough to provide a link to such a profile.
  • Should I provide my work references?
    They complete your profile. Please do provide them.
  • Is there a dress code at heo?
    No, you are welcome to come in whatever outfit you feel comfortable in. Superhero t-shirts are a great conversation starter and we've already had a team that came in a onesie every Monday.
  • Who sees my documents?
    The contact person in the advertisement will review your documents initially. Then your data will be sent to the relevant colleagues who are recruiting for their team. If you have given us your consent, another department may also receive a recommendation to look at your profile if we see that you could also fit into another vacancy.
  • Why can't I reach you by phone?
    We are often already on the phone or in interviews. But we'll be happy to call you back if you drop us a line.
  • Applied and heard nothing from heo?
    No confirmation of receipt either? Then write to us again. If it takes a little longer until you hear back from us, we are probably in discussion with the department that’s reviewing your application.
  • Are there parking spaces on campus?
    Yes, there are visitor parking spaces to the right of the entrance. And additional spaces on the north side of the building.
  • Can I call everyone at heo by their first name?
    Yes, anyone and everyone!
  • How does the first meeting at heo work?
    We either meet on campus or see each other in the video call. We call it a 'chemistry check'. It's primarily about you getting an impression of us and us getting an impression of you, whether we fit together and want to move your application on to the next step together.
  • Where does the interview take place?
    At Campus West 1 in Herxheim. Hopefully our living room or yoga room is free. You can also find the address of the industrial park on the internet. That was our headquarters until 2021, but was completely replaced by our purpose-built new campus building in 2022.
  • Application sent… now what?
    We receive a message via the system that you are interested in becoming a heonaut. We read what you have written and compare it with the requirements profile. If there is a good fit, your data will be sent to the relevant colleagues who are recruiting.
  • I am already an employee and want to change internally. What should I do?
    Write your motivation and what you want to do – you’re welcome to send this to the contact person in one of the job advertisements. We will then sit down with you and look forward to seeing where you want to go.
  • When will my data be deleted?
    At the latest 6 months after your application, all personal data will be gone. Or we have agreed that you will remain in our talent pool. Then you have given your special consent for a total of 24 months. You can ask for your data to be deleted at any time. We would then action that immediately.
  • When do I get feedback?
    You will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt. After comparing your profile with our desired profile, we want to give you feedback quickly. But since we really read your lines and don't let an algorithm decide, our response time does depend on our availability. We'll get back to you as soon as we can!
  • I still have questions that have not been answered here. Who can I contact?
    Drop us a line at Please let us know how and when we can reach you. We'll be in touch.
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